公司动态 行业新闻
浏览量:    所属栏目:【公司动态】    时间:2023-08-11

主讲人 : 颜宁

Is there a correlation between activity and stability in single-atom catalysis? In coordination chemistry, catalytically active l complexes in zero or low valent state often adopt four-coordinate square-planar or tetrahedron geometry. By applying this principle, we have developed stable, high loading (close to 1 wt%), Pt1 single-atom catalyst on phosphomolybdic acid (PMA) modified active carbon (AC), by anchoring Pt atoms on the four-fold hollow sites on PMA. Each Pt atom is stabilized by four surrounding oxygen atoms in a distorted square-planar geometry, with Pt slightly protruding from the oxygen planar surface. Pt is positively charged, easily absorbs hydrogen, and exhibits excellent activity and selectivity in the hydrogenation of nitrobenzene and cyclohexanone. Following that, we briefly discuss the extension of the strategy to several other stable SACs with superior catalytic activities. These SACs have distinct stability but strikingly similar activity. Kinetic study and DFT calculations into the rate-determining steps provide insights on why is this so. Finally, we introduce our recent work on the development of Rh single-atom catalysts for CO oxidation reactions.


颜宁,分别于2004年和2009年在北京大学获得学士和博士学位,此后在瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院担任玛丽 - 居里研究员。2012年加入新加坡国立大学(NUS)担任助理教授并成立了绿色催化实验室。主要研究方向是催化生物质转化,绿色化学与工程,以及催化剂开发。在专业领域主流学术期刊(如Nature、Energy & Environment Science)上发表SCI论文百余篇,获得英国皇家化学学会“环境、可持续发展和能源部门早期职业奖”,美国化学学会“可持续化学与工程讲座奖”,全球绿色化学中心网络“优秀青年科学家奖” ,以及新加坡国立大学青年科学家奖. 目前,在中国大连化学物理研究所,日本北海道大学和法国图卢兹大学担任客座研究员或客座教授。还是ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering和Catalytic Science & Technology的编委会成员,以及Molecular Catalysis的副主编。


[1] Don't waste seafood waste, Ning Yan*, Xi Chen, Nature (IF=45.577), 2015, 524, 155–157.

[2] Stabilizing a Platinum1 Single-Atom Catalyst on Supported Phosphomolybdic Acid without Compromising Hydrogenation Activity, Bin Zhang, Hiroyuki Asakura, Jia Zhang, Jiaguang Zhang, Sudipta De, Ning Yan*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition (IF=12.102), 2016, 55, 8319–8323.

[3] Ni- d bi llic heterogeneous catalysts for energy and environmental applications, Sudipta De, Jiaguang Zhang, Rafael Luque, Ning Yan*, Energy & Environmental Science (IF=30.067), 2016, 9, 3314–3347.

[4] Harnessing the Wisdom in Colloidal Chemistry to Make Stable Single-Atom Catalysts, Max J. Hülsey, Jiaguang Zhang, Ning Yan*, Advanced Materials (IF=21.95), 2018, 30, 1802304

[5] Catalyst: Is the Amino Acid a New Frontier for Biorefineries? Ning Yan*, and Yunzhu Wang, Chem (IF=14.104), 2019, 5, 739-741.

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