公司动态 行业新闻
屈曲约束的拓扑优化(英文版 精)
浏览量:    所属栏目:【公司动态】    时间:2024-05-13
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Current Development
1.3 Software Platform
1.4 Key Topics in Buckling Topological Optimization Research

2 Topological Optimization for Continuous Structure with Bulking Constrain
2.1 Introduction
2.2 ICM Method
2.3 Determination of Filter Function
2.4 Model Establishment and Realization
2.5 Solution to Optimization
2.6 Optimization Strategy
2.7 Constrain Selection
2.8 Optimization Algorithms
2.9 Numerical Simulation and Case Study
2.10 Summary

3 Topological Optimization for Continuous Structure with Bulking and Displacement Constraint
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Model Establishment and Solution
3.3 Optimization Strategy
3.4 Constrain Selection
3.5 Optimization Algorithms
3.6 Numerical Simulation and Case Study
3.7 Summary

4 Topological Optimization for Continuous Structure with Buckling and Stress Constraints
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Deformation Energy
4.3 The Theoretical Background of Deformation Energy
4.4 Method of Globalization of Stress Constraints and Strain Revision Coefficient
4.5 Model Establishment and Solution
4.6 Optimization Strategy
4.7 Constraint Selection
4.8 Optimization Algorithms
4.9 Numerical Simulation and Case Study
4.10 Summary

5 Topological Optimization for Continuous Structure with Static Constraint
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Model Establishment and Solution
5.3 Upper Limit for Constraint
5.4 Optimization Algorithms
5.5 Numerical Simulation and Case Study
5.6 Summary

6 Software and User Instructions
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Compiling and Linking of a User Program
6.3 Setup for Analysis and Output
6.4 Topological Optimization Menu and Inputs
6.5 Output and Results Menu
6.6 Summary

7 Engineering Applications
7.1 Introduction
7.2 System Optimization in Industry via Mixed Programming
7.3 Topological Optimization in the Design of a Power Transformer Lifting Lug
7.4 Finite Element Method and Topological Optimization in a SmaU-sized Transformer Fuel Tank
7.5 Topological Optimization in the Design of Vacuum Tank
7.6 Summary

8 Prospect

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