公司动态 行业新闻
浏览量:    所属栏目:【行业新闻】    时间:2023-08-04


  1. Development. A group of buildings together on a large area of land.
  2. En-suite. This is an adjective to describe something which is attached to another room. Usually an en-suite bathroom – which is attached to the master bedroom.
  3. Estate agent. The person who helps clients buy, sell and rent real estate.
  4. Flat (UK), Apartment (USA). An arrangement of rooms on one floor to live in. Flats are often constructed in high rise buildings or apartment blocks. Although it is not unusual to find a two storey house that has been split into two or more apartments.
    公寓(英国叫flat),公寓(美国apartment):在同一楼层中的一套房间,公寓通常建在高层建筑物或公寓楼中,但你也能见到两层楼的房子分成两套或者 更多套公寓的。
  5. For sale. This means that the home, business, building or piece of land is on the market and can be purchased.
  6. Furnished. This adjective describes a property that is on the market and includes furniture.
  7. Garden (UK) Yard (USA). A piece of land for recreational use – it may have flowers, trees, grass etc.
  8. Ground floor (UK), First floor (USA). The storey or floor of the building which is on the same level as the street or ground. In the UK the first floor is one above ground level, known as the second floor in American English for real estate.
    一楼(英国叫ground floor,美国叫first floor):建筑物的楼层或楼层,与街道或地面处于同一水平线。在英国,第一层位于一楼以上,而在美国英语中这被称为房地产的第二层(因为老美是直接从地面开始数楼层的)。
  9. Landlord or Landlady. The owner of a piece of real estate who rents or lets it to a tenant.
  10. Lift (UK), elevator (USA). An electric device to use as an alternative to stairs. The compartment moves people and or objects up and down to the different floors in a building.
  11. Tenant. A person who rents a piece or real estate and pays a monthly amount of money to the landlord.
  12. Let out or to rent out. This is the verb which means to allow somebody to use a piece of real estate in exchange for money (rent).
  13. Rent. One option, instead of buying a home, is to rent a property and pay a monthly quantity to the owner or landlord/landlady.
  14. Storey (UK) Story (USA). The only difference between the American and British versions of this English for real estate word is the spelling. The word itself means the levels of the floors in a building.
    楼层:(英国叫做storey 美国叫做story), 这个词本身是指建筑物中的楼层。
  15. Mortgage. A loan from the bank or building society in order to buy a property. The loan is secured by the property in question.
  16. Appraisal: An estate agent carries out an appraisal or valuation in order to quantify the value of the real estate.
  17. APR (Annual Percentage Rate). This refers to the interest on a loan.
  18. Balance Outstanding. How much of the loan the buyer owes to the mortgage lender.
  19. Bridging Loan. This is a loan to help buyers who need to bridge the gap between selling their current home and buying a new one. Buyers pay off the bridging loan as soon as they sell their home. This prevents deals falling through due to issues with chains.
  20. Break Clause/Release Clause. In fixed-term tenancies, these terms refer to clauses which allow for renegotiation of the contract.
  21. Building Society. This is a kind of bank, however, a building society only deals with mortgages and long-term savings.
  22. BTL (Buy to let). There is a specific type of mortgage and legislation concerning arrangements for buyers who purchase a property to rent out.
  23. Chain. The sale of a property is often limited because the owners have not yet purchased a new home.
    Chain(暂无对应词翻译):如果房主还没买到新的房子,那么你还暂时买不了这个房子。(如果房源写着no chain,说明房东已经有新房子且随时可腾房,如果写着on chain,说明你得等到房东买新房子你才能进来)。
  24. Chain Free. A situation of a property being chain free is when the seller does not need to find another property to live in. Fortunately, the sale of the property is not dependant on the seller finding another property to buy.
    无chain: 这种情况就是说卖方不需要寻找其他地方去居住,该房产的出售不需要取决于卖房者是否买到其他的房子,你可以直接买了就进去住。
  25. Collateral. In the case of a mortgage, the collateral is the house or flat. The collateral offers security to the bank who provide the loan.
    抵押物: 如果是抵押贷款,抵押品就是房屋或公寓。 抵押品作为向提供贷款的银行提供的某种担保。
  26. Completion Date. The big day when all documents will have been signed and distributed and the keys are handed over to the new owners.
    交房日: 重要的日子,所有文件都将被签名并各自拿到,并将房子钥匙移交给新的房主。这个时候新的房主就可以搬进去了,购买房屋的尾款在那一天也应该结清了。
  27. Conveyancing. All the paperwork related to buying and selling real estate.
  28. Deeds. Legal papers which certify ownership of real estate.
  29. Deposit – the lump sum that the seller pays towards the cost of the property.
  30. Disbursements. Payments and expenses that a solicitor pays on behalf of the seller.
  31. Early Repayment Charge (ERC). Another way of saying this is early repayment penalty (ERP). This is a charge that the bank or building society imposes if the buyer of a home with a mortgage pays off the mortgage earlier than agreed.
    提前还款费用(ERC):另一种说法是提前还款罚款(ERP)。 如果有抵押贷款的购房者提前偿还贷款,银行或房屋协会将征收这笔费用。
  32. Equity. Equity is the amount of money that the homeowner actually owns – it is the difference between the value of the property and the amount of the mortgage.
  33. First-time buyer. A buyer who has never owned a property before and therefore has no mortgage or chain in the selling process.
  34. Fixed Price. Sometimes sellers or vendors will only accept a certain price for the property. They do not accept offers so the property is referred to as fixed price.
    固定价格: 有时卖方或卖方只会接受该房产的某个价格。 他们不接受报价,因此该房产的价格被称为固定价格。
  35. Fixtures and Fittings. Objects in a property that are not part of the structure such as carpets and curtains.
  36. Freehold. If a property freehold it means that the real estate includes the property and the land it is situated on for an indefinite amount of time.
  37. Full Structural Survey. This is a comprehensive assessment of the main features of a property such as electrical wiring, foundations and plumbing.
  38. Gazumping. Even though it sounds like an invented word, it is a valid term in English for real estate. Gazumping is when the vendor accepts an offer but at the last minute rejects it for a higher offer.
  39. Gazundering. An equally made-up sounding word, Gazundering is when a buyer lowers their offer right at the last minute.
    毁约: 即使听起来像是一个虚构的单词,但却是房地产中英语的有效术语。 当房主接受了一份购房合同,但在最后一刻要毁约,则要进行gazumping。
  40. Gas Safety Regulations. Landlords and landladies must ensure that their properties meet safety standards specified by the gas safety regulations. A CORGI registered engineer must carry out annual checks.
    燃气安全法规: 房东必须确保其房产符合天然气安全法规规定的安全标准。必须要由 CORGI注册工程师进行年度检查。
  41. Guarantor. Sometimes in order to be granted a mortgage, the buyer must have a guarantor. This is somebody with a better credit rating than the buyer who signs that they will cover any mortgage payments.
    担保人: 有时为了获得抵押贷款,买方必须有担保人,他需要找一个信用等级比他更好的人,后者会签字担保借款人将支付抵押贷款。
  42. Ground Rent. An amount of money the leaseholder (property owner) pays annually to the freeholder of a property (land owner).
    地租: 租赁人(房主)每年支付给该土地持有人的钱(译者注:觉得这里翻译成土地持持有人会更容易理解) 。(译者注: 这有点类似于中国的情况,房子是你的,但是土地不是你的,只不过国外会存在土地为私人所有,但是上面的房子是另一个人所有,所以房主在一定期限内每年要向土地所有者交一定的钱,房主的产权证明实际上是一个租约,到了一定时间你就要把房子还回去)这里附上一段我找到的解释:
    In a block of flats, for example, the freeholder would own the land and the actual building. A leaseholder will own a flat within that property on a lease for a fixed length of time, but the freeholder will own the property outright. The freeholder is usually responsible for the repair and maintenance of the exterior and common parts of the building. At the end of the lease, the flat ownership reverts to the freeholder.
    例如,在一公寓楼中,freeholder拥有土地和实际建筑物。 lease holder将在固定期限内以租约的方式拥有该楼内的一套公寓,但freeholder 将直接拥有该物业, 他通常负责建筑物外部和公共部分的维修和保养。 租期结束时,公寓所有权归自由持有人所有。
  43. Home Buyers Report this is like a mini-survey of the house. It covers the accessible parts of the property.
  44. Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs). This type of agency helps vulnerable homeowners on a low income maintain their homes.
    家居维修机构(HIA): 这种机构可帮助低收入的弱势房主维修住房。这是小型的有政府背景的非营利性组织,主要为残疾人士以及老人维修他们的房屋。
  45. Housing Association. A non-profit enterprise which allows buyers to purchase a portion of a property and pay off the rest with rent.
  46. IFA – Independent Financial Advisor
  47. Inventory. A conclusive list of everything contained in the property.
  48. Joint Tenants. When two or more people rent a property, perhaps a couple or friends. They share the responsibility for the payments, so if one were to die, the other(s) would have to pay the full amount.
  49. Joint Mortgage. A mortgage taken out by two people.
  50. Land Certificate. A certificate from the land registry which proves ownership of a piece of real estate.
  51. Land Registry. All the official records of properties owned in England and Wales are recorded in the land registry.
  52. Leasehold. One of the most confusing terms in English for real estate. This type of ownership is when the structural property is owned but the land on which it stands is not. Often some type of ground rent applies.
  53. Mortgage Deed. The conditions relating to a mortgage are specified in this document.
  54. Mortgage Offer. An official letter from the bank or building society which details the conditions of a mortgage.
  55. Negative Equity. Unfortunately, this may occur when the value of a property is less than the amount of money still owed on the mortgage.
  56. No Sale, No Fee. Estate agents offer different types of services and corresponding fees within their business. However, the no sale, no fee agreement means that if the house does not sell, the vendor does not have to pay anything to the estate agent.
  57. OMV (Open market Value). The estimated value of a property on the open market.
  58. Public Liability Insurance. An obligatory insurance that provides cover against death or injury to anyone in or around a property.
  59. Repossession. If a buyer cannot make the repayments on a mortgage, the bank or building society may repossess the house. They often sell the houses off at auction in order to make back some of the money still owed.
  60. RTB (Right to Buy). Depending on how long a tenant has lived in a council property they may have the right to buy.
  61. Shared Ownership. Housing associations sometimes offer this scheme which allows first-time buyers to purchase shares in a property, rather than the full amount. However, the buyer then pays rent on the remaining share or can even buy more shares over time
  62. Solicitor. A type of lawyer who acts on behalf of the buyer or seller to ensure all legal requirements are fulfilled.Stamp Duty – a government tax paid by the buyer on completion of the sale.
  63. Survey There are several types of survey, all completed by a qualified surveyor. The three main types are valuation report, homebuyers report and full structural survey.
  64. Tenancy Agreement. The rental agreement or contract specifies terms and conditions between landlord or landlady and tenant.
  65. Transfer Deeds. The land registry can issue an official document which certifies the transfer of the property from one party to another.
  66. Under Offer. This is when the buyer has made an offer, the seller has accepted the offer but the sale has not legally been completed yet.



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