公司动态 行业新闻
浏览量:    所属栏目:【行业新闻】    时间:2024-05-20
摘要 摘要 随着光伏行业的迅猛发展,装机量日益增多,尤其近年来分布式光伏电站的爆发式 增长,光伏电站投资建设的热潮再次掀起。然而随着光伏电站的装机量增多,越来越多 的光伏电站暴露出了各种各样的问题,导致光伏电站实际发电情况远远低于设计值。 为了解决普遍存在的光伏电站发电能效偏低问题,本文开展了光伏电站发电量影响 因素研究,分析了辐照强度、温度、灰尘、安装角度、组件自身功率衰减等诸多因素影 响程度,从理论分析到实验室数据验证,进行了比较深入的研究。在此基础上,本文提 出了一套具有发电能效优化功能的光伏电站智能监控系统。从硬件设计到能效优化分析 进行了系统功能详细描述。智能监控系统通过设置独有的参考组件监控装置,实现了常 规监控系统无法实现的全面数据采集,并通过基于IEC60891 《光伏器件.测定I-V 特性 的温度和辐照强度校正方法用程序》标准的修正算法,得到组件自身功率衰减实时监控、 灰尘清洗周期智能提醒、故障精确定位等重要信息;帮助业主及时掌握电站运行状态, 保证电站发电能效最优化,从而实现监控系统重要的现实意义。 关键词:光伏电站;智能监控系统;发电能效优化;组件功率衰减;灰尘清洗;故障定 位 I Abstract Abstract With the fast development of photovoltaic (PV) industry, the total installed capacity increases rapidly. Especially in recent years, distributed PV power station developed significantly, and is still attracted to investments. However, with the increase of the installation of PV power plants, various problems were exposed resulting in the actual power generation far below the design value. In order to overcome this situation, this paper carried out the research to the influential factors of power generation for PV power stations and analyzed the influences of irradiance, temperature, dust, angle of installation and power degradation of PV modules. Moreover, this document proposed a set of intelligent monitoring system and detailed both the hardware design and the energy efficiency optimization function for power plants. This system can achieve comprehensive data acquisition by setting up a reference module to monitor devices in power generation system, and could calibrate the acquired data automatically based on IEC 60891. Furthermore, reminders for real-time monitoring o
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